What Are the Compliance Requirements for UK Fintech Companies Offering Cryptocurrency Services?

March 7, 2024

The booming fintech industry faces constant changes and challenges, especially in the realm of cryptocurrency. With increasing interest in cryptoassets from consumers and businesses alike, fintech companies in the United Kingdom are navigating a complex landscape of compliance requirements and regulations. As a fintech business considering or already offering cryptocurrency services, understanding these regulatory nuances is crucial for your company’s success and longevity.

UK Regulatory Framework for Cryptocurrencies

Before delving into the specifics, it is essential to understand the overall regulatory environment in the UK for cryptocurrencies. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), a government body, governs financial services and markets, ensuring their integrity and protecting consumers. In the crypto space, the FCA’s role is particularly significant.

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Cryptocurrency regulations in the UK are not entirely straightforward. Cryptoassets, such as Bitcoin, are not considered legal tender, but they are not illegal either. The FCA does not regulate cryptocurrencies directly, but they do impose requirements on companies dealing with cryptoassets.

In 2020, amendments to the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations came into effect. These regulations, known as the MLR 2017, expanded the FCA’s role to include overseeing UK businesses that deal with cryptoassets.

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Cryptoasset Business Registration with FCA

The first step to ensuring regulatory compliance for your fintech firm dealing with cryptoassets is registration with the FCA. The government established a Cryptoassets Business Register, requiring cryptoasset businesses to register and comply with the MLR 2017.

For your company to be eligible for registration, you must demonstrate that your firm is structured to manage risks related to money laundering and terrorist financing. This includes having policies, controls, and procedures in place to mitigate these risks. Furthermore, your firm must show that its management and owners are ‘fit and proper’ – they should not pose a risk to the firm’s integrity or customers.

The FCA will assess your application, typically taking around 12 weeks, although this may take longer if there is a high volume of applications or if your application is complicated.

Compliance with AML and CFT Requirements

Maintaining compliance with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorist Financing (CFT) requirements is another crucial aspect of operating a cryptoasset business in the UK. The MLR 2017 imposes several obligations on businesses to prevent the misuse of cryptoassets for illegal purposes.

Your fintech firm must conduct risk assessments to understand the potential for money laundering and terrorist financing in your business and implement policies to manage and mitigate these risks. This includes establishing customer due diligence (CDD) measures, reporting suspicious activity, and maintaining records of transactions and CDD measures for five years.

Adherence to Data Protection and Privacy Laws

In the digital age, data protection and privacy are of paramount importance, especially in financial services. Companies dealing with cryptoassets must adhere to the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

These regulations require businesses to handle personal data responsibly, maintaining its integrity and confidentiality. Additionally, your fintech company must ensure transparency in its data practices, informing customers about how their data is collected, used, and stored.

Meeting Regulatory Standards for Promotions and Advertisements

The FCA has stringent rules for financial promotions to protect consumers from misleading or inappropriate advertisements. If your fintech company is promoting cryptoasset services, you must ensure that your promotions are clear, fair, and not misleading.

Any promotional material should provide balanced information, highlighting both potential risks and benefits. Moreover, if your advertisements include any comparisons or claims, they must be accurate and verifiable.

In sum, the regulatory landscape for UK fintech companies dealing with cryptoassets is multifaceted and evolving. As you navigate this space and strive to provide innovative, secure, and compliant services to your customers, remember the importance of staying abreast of the latest changes to regulatory requirements. Being proactive in maintaining compliance can help secure your fintech company’s position in this burgeoning and exciting industry.

Ensuring Compliance with the Travel Rule for Crypto Transactions

As part of the broader international drive to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) introduced a recommendation known in the industry as the ‘Travel Rule’. This rule applies to ‘Virtual Asset Service Providers’, or VASPs, a category that includes fintech companies providing crypto asset services in the UK.

The Travel Rule requires VASPs to collect and share personal data during transactions. Specifically, when a customer sends cryptocurrency worth more than 1,000 USD to a customer of another VASP, the sender’s VASP must send certain information about the sender and receiver to the receiver’s VASP. This information includes the name and account number of the sender and receiver, as well as information about the transaction itself.

Compliance with the Travel Rule represents a significant technical challenge for many fintech companies offering crypto asset services. This is because the blockchains on which cryptocurrencies are based are not designed to carry personal data. To comply with the Travel Rule, VASPs must therefore develop or adopt new technologies or solutions.

Furthermore, the Travel Rule requires VASPs to store the personal data they collect for at least five years. This storage requirement raises further challenges in relation to data protection and privacy. VASPs must ensure that they comply with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the GDPR in the way they store and handle this data.

In sum, the Travel Rule introduces significant compliance challenges for fintech companies offering crypto asset services. However, by addressing these challenges, such companies can improve their risk management procedures and customer trust.


The regulatory landscape for fintech companies offering crypto asset services in the United Kingdom is complex and dynamic. This reflects the evolving nature of the fintech industry itself, and the government’s commitment to ensuring that the UK remains a safe and trustworthy place to do business. Complying with these regulations is not just about meeting legal requirements – it is also about enhancing the integrity and credibility of your business.

Key regulations that fintech companies must be aware of include the MLR 2017, the Travel Rule, and laws relating to data protection and financial promotions. These regulations aim to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing, protect personal data, and ensure fair and transparent communications with customers.

To navigate this regulatory landscape, fintech companies need to invest in effective risk management strategies. This includes developing robust AML and CFT procedures, ensuring data protection and privacy, and maintaining fair and transparent marketing practices.

While the regulatory environment for crypto asset services in the UK is challenging, it also presents opportunities. By demonstrating a strong commitment to compliance and integrity, fintech companies can differentiate themselves in this fast-growing market and build lasting relationships with their customers.

As the crypto asset market continues to evolve, so too will the regulatory landscape. Therefore, it is crucial for fintech companies to stay abreast of regulatory developments and to be proactive in adapting their compliance strategies. This commitment to continuous learning and adaptation is a key to long-term success in the UK fintech industry.

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